Why did you choose Technology?

We have found in Technology people able to listen, willing to support our project, this important aspect of the company has allowed us to realize a dream: the purchase of two punching machines. The product made by Technology, undoubtedly is of quality, with a reliability that allows us to guarantee a good service with the machines built by the company. The technical staff is highly professional, with a lot of passion for work and great skill, always ready to help with any request, we have in them an important point of reference that gives us a great á security, despite the distance that separates us.


Diego Beretta


The educational unit “San Gabriel” is located in the coastal area of the province of Cañar in the city of La Troncal and is the result of a work begun in the year 1971 by lay missionaries of the Italian Association of TVC Christian Volunteer Technicians, today International Association ACCRI Christian Cooperation of Trieste.

Mssrs. Maria Luisa Cortinovis and Sergio Beretta and family since 1971 carry on this mission with infinite dedication and love having as main objective the formation and integral education of the students, in the professional, cultural, moral and social fields. Students graduated to date have found employment, not only in the industries, but also by organizing small workshops on their own or developing their activities as teachers in the specific specialization. The Association seeks self-financing with the sale of products processed in the various laboratories of the school.

This self-financing also has an educational purpose, which is to actually introduce students into productive reality, and industrial. The school receives help from benefactors, who, with a spirit of Christian sharing and solidarity, helping to purchase machines, educational material and various materials for the workshops, giving the opportunity for students to have a technical-professional training. That’s why the project is concrete and is based on respect, conscientiousness, professionalism, forming the locals with adequate preparation for help create productive communities to face their stories with less dependence on the West and helping to reduce the dell to immigration problems.

Among the activities of the educational unit there are also mechanical and metal working: students learn the use of machine tools, welders and various equipment and everything related to industrial mechanics. The first punching machine arrived at the Association was a Tecnotransfer 15SR 1050×1550, already old, but that still today after almost twenty years, contributes to the training of students and the production of various types of sheet metal products. The success of this sector of the educational unit led to the decision to make a general overhaul of the machine already owned, as well as to acquire another punching machine.

To this end, the volunteers of the Asociación San Gabriel came to visit TECHNOLOGY in the spring of 2018 and, once examined various possibilities, the choice fell on a Tecnotransfer 15SR 1500×2000 an “PREMIUM Selection” machine.

A used, overhauled and guaranteed machine to allow the association continuity of work and training for its many operators and students. TECHNOLOGY Italiana in the sale of used machinery, as well as new ones, pursues the priority objective of the full satisfaction of its customers and, in this particular case, is pleased and proud to contribute to the “San Gabriel” educational community that wants to be a hope for a better future for all.

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Tecnotrasfer 15 SR
TECHNOLOGY style tools
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